What’s New with What’s New?
The holiday season is nearly upon us, which means that party season is also about to kick into full gear. Between workplace and club end-of-year parties and friends’ holiday happy …Read More
Not Your Father’s Compliance Training
Every year, employees in countless organizations engage in the “check the box ritual:” They attend mandatory training to comply with safety, financial, or legal requirements. In the past two decades, …Read More
Short, Sweet, To the Point, and not Rambling On and On…
Jim Rohn, the American entrepreneur and philosopher, famously said, “The more you know, the less you need to say.” If you really understand something, you can summarize it in a few …Read More
Is Your Custom Training Hitting the Mark?
If you want to enhance your employees’ time management skills, the process is simple: send them to the training provider that offers the best value for a generic course. Hundreds …Read More